About us

Seersha with Ken Littlefish Durrant-Kanucas
Seersha with Brooke Medicine Eagle
Seersha O’Sullivan is a wise woman and teacher with almost 40 years experience within the field of complementary therapy.
She has recognised qualifications in teaching, shamanic healing, reflexology, reiki, Indian head massage, Bach flower remedies, and counselling.
Seersha began her training in 1982 while she was a disciple of Indian mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), working in his ashrams. , She learned Native American style drum making with Patrick Pinson of the Mingo tribe (Cedar Mountain Drums) and trained in sweatlodge protocol and ceremonies with Ken Littlefish Durrant, medicine man of the Native American Church. She has worked with Brooke Medicine Eagle, renown author and and has trained with Kurikindi of the Kichwa people of the deep Ecuadoraian rainforest.
She is a member of OBOD ~ Order of Bards Ovates and Druids learned Geo-mancy with Patric McManaway
Kurikindi-Golden Humminbird
She has studied with the Andean master shaman and mystic (Kurak Akulleq) Don Juan Núñez del Prado and has been initiated as a 4th level paqo. She trained and until recently taught at Shamanka School of Shamanism at Middle Piccadilly in Dorset for 12 years.
Seersha and friends at drum-making workshop
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